Monday, October 18, 2010

Cosmetic Dentistry - Redefining your Smile

Cosmetic Dentistry is the field of dentistry dedicated to the art and science of enhancing a person's smile and overall appearance, resulting in a better self-image and a sense of well-being.

If you are among the many people who limit your expressions of happiness because you worry about a less-than-perfect smile, you will be interested in learning more about cosmetic dentistry! Breakthroughs in technology have made a beautiful smile more affordable and attainable than ever before. Stars in Hollywood have long known that improving your smile can dramatically change your appearance, but today the benefits of cosmetic dentistry are being discovered by more and more people across the U.S. In addition to beautifying your smile, there are cosmetic dentistry procedures for the alignment and function of your teeth.

Cosmetic Dentistry can brighten dull teeth, whiten stained teeth, close gaps between teeth, repair chipped teeth, mask metal fillings, and straighten crooked teeth. It opens doors and removes obstacles to professional and social success.

Stained or dull teeth can be dramatically improved by in-office whitening, laser whitening, home whitening, veneers or bonding. The reason why many people choose cosmetic dentistry instead of over-the-counter products such as whitening toothpaste and bleaching kits is that cosmetic dentistry offers much better, longer-lasting results.

Misshapen, chipped, or worn teeth can be improved by veneers, bonding, or cosmetic contouring.

Gaps between teeth can be closed up with veneers, bonding, or orthodontics.

Old/unsightly fillings can be replaced with tooth-colored fillings (resins and porcelain) for a natural appearance.

Crooked or crowded teeth are improved with veneers, bonding, or orthodontics.

Missing tooth or teeth can be remedied with a fixed bridge or dental implant(s).

Excessive/uneven gums are often helped with gum grafts.

Combined Techniques are frequently used in smile design to create an ideal natural-looking smile. For example, bleaching may be followed with minor orthodontics and completed with porcelain veneers.

The first step to improving your smile is a visit to a cosmetic dentist. The initial consultation is often free and gives you an opportunity to discuss all your options and to look at before and after photographs of patients who have undergone similar treatment.

Cosmetic dentistry procedures are elective, and therefore not usually covered by insurers. However, the new technologies in this field have made it much more affordable today. When you meet with a cosmetic dentist, they will inform you about the cost of your treatment option(s) and the payment methods available to you. A good patient financing program can also help you by spreading out the cost into low monthly payments.

Getting the smile of your dreams is easier than you think with Cosmetic Dentistry.

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Top 5 Most Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

I've outlined in this article the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures so you can compare and research them further.

First Place: Bridges, Dental Partials. Custom made false tooth or teeth that will be placed permanently between two healthy teeth is called "dental bridge". This procedure is for patients that have a missing tooth or teeth.

Second Place: Brite Smile. Helps patients that have stained, yellowed or discolored teeth. The average cost for this procedure is $500.00. Average length of this procedure is one hour.

Third Place: Composite Resin Bonding. This cosmetic dentistry procedures is for patients that have stained or decayed teeth, it's average cost is $350. It's average length is 45 minutes to one hour.

Fourth Place: Crowns & Bridges. Ideally for patients that have large cavity, tooth that requires or has had root canal therapy, or tooth that has fractured. Average price $900.00. Length of this cosmetic dentistry procedure is a little long.

Fifth Place: Dental Crowns. This is for patients that have fractured tooth or large cavity, have an average cost of $925.00 and it's length is one to one and a half hours.

These are the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures. I advise you to always research and investigate each and every cosmetic dentistry procedure you might want for yourself. You can do this on the internet from the comfort of your home. Just search for some good cosmetic dentistry sites and you will be ok. Also, be sure to ask your dentist about any additional fees. Costs will vary from place to place.

All cosmetic dentists these days tend to offer advanced care. Because of this, you should expect a very comfortable and pain free cosmetic dentistry procedure that will produce you attractive and enduring results.

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Environmental Or Conventional Dentistry: It's Your Choice

Conventional dental and dentists' practice help many people enjoy excellent dental and oral function for years. Conventional dentistry's stature throws dentists practicing alternative dentistry methods into obscurity. Lina Garcia, DMD, a so-called environmental dentist clears up several issues regarding the untraditional means that they practice. She also exposes several ways how conventional dentistry procedures harm patients and the environment.

Environmental dentistry does not differ widely from conventional practices. But they do uphold a principle: the mouth as an integrated member of a person's body and must be treated using this perspective. The primary objective of environmental dental and dentists' practice is to treat dental and oral problems without causing harm and adverse effects on the body. Environmental dentists claim that conventional dental procedures often use methods that are harmful to the body over time. Environmental dentistry's recent findings indicate that some of the most basic services of conventional dentists are hazardous for the patients and their environment. Garcia identifies these problems as the common and basic services patients often ask from their dentists. Amalgam fillings, root canals, cavitations, implants, surgery, and the use of stainless steel in the oral cavity are cited in a report by Garcia. According to her, amalgam fillings are still 50% mercury which make them dangerous and toxic when ingested. Root canals also cause more mouth problems because they encourage the growth of bacteria; it is also the same with cavitations. Environmental dentistry also abhors the use of implants without bio-compatibility testing. They claim that it aggravates the immuno-defense system and often start allergies and negative reactions. They also cite the results of studies that indicate that use of stainless steel in any open body part is a cause of cancer.

The critiques from environmental dentistry are many but the conventional dentistry explains these as nuisance. Conventional dentists assert that the mercury in amalgam filling is converted to a non-toxic substance once it reacts with the oral fluids and bacteria. They also cite lack of evidence and proof to support the environmental practice's claim on the relation of dental care to other major diseases like heart disease and cancer. Conventional dental and dentists' service providers encourage patients to consult only dentists who advocate scientific treatment. What they termed "holistic" practices such as environmental dentistry, are often unsafe and poses serious health risks.

Both camps have their cards on the table. I think that it is up to you, as patients to decide in which practice you feel comfortable with: a "holistic" environmental practice or scientific and clinical dentistry? I strongly advise research and making informed choices when it comes to health matters.

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